FN1 Gene

fibronectin 1


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The FN1 gene provides instructions for making two types of the fibronectin-1 protein: soluble plasma fibronectin-1 and insoluble cellular fibronectin-1. Liver cells produce soluble plasma fibronectin-1 and release it into the bloodstream, where it is mainly involved in blood clotting and wound healing. Soluble plasma fibronectin-1 functions outside of cells (in the extracellular spaces), attaching (binding) to the surface of cells and binding to proteins, including other fibronectin-1 proteins. The attachment of these proteins form fibers that assist with tissue repair after an injury. Fibronectin-1 binding also helps with the continual formation of the extracellular matrix, which is an intricate lattice of proteins and other molecules that is made in the spaces between cells. This matrix provides structure and strength to tissues that support the body's organs. Many other cell types produce insoluble cellular fibronectin-1, which is released into the extracellular space and contributes to the creation of fibers and extracellular matrix. Both types of fibronectin-1 help individual cells expand (spread) and move (migrate) to cover more space and also influence cell shape and maturation (differentiation).






gene with protein product


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