CIDEC-related familial partial lipodystrophy

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Researchers have described at least six forms of familial partial lipodystrophy, which are distinguished by their genetic cause. The most common form of familial partial lipodystrophy is type 2, also called Dunnigan disease. In addition to the signs and symptoms described above, some people with this type of the disorder develop muscle weakness (myopathy), abnormalities of the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy), a form of heart disease called coronary artery disease, and problems with the electrical system that coordinates the heartbeat (the conduction system).\n\nMost people with familial partial lipodystrophy also have high levels of fats called triglycerides circulating in the bloodstream (hypertriglyceridemia), which can lead to inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). Familial partial lipodystrophy can also cause an abnormal buildup of fats in the liver (hepatic steatosis), which can result in an enlarged liver (hepatomegaly) and abnormal liver function. After puberty, some affected females develop multiple cysts on the ovaries, an increased amount of body hair (hirsutism), and an inability to conceive (infertility), which are likely related to hormonal changes.\n\nAbnormal storage of fat in the body can lead to health problems in adulthood. Many people with familial partial lipodystrophy develop insulin resistance, a condition in which the body's tissues cannot adequately respond to insulin, which is a hormone that normally helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance may worsen to become a more serious disease called diabetes mellitus. Some people with familial partial lipodystrophy develop acanthosis nigricans, a skin condition related to high levels of insulin in the bloodstream. Acanthosis nigricans causes the skin in body folds and creases to become thick, dark, and velvety.\n\nFamilial partial lipodystrophy is a rare condition characterized by an abnormal distribution of fatty (adipose) tissue. Adipose tissue is normally found in many parts of the body, including beneath the skin and surrounding the internal organs. It stores fat as a source of energy and also provides cushioning. In people with familial partial lipodystrophy, adipose tissue is lost from the arms, legs, and hips, giving these parts of the body a very muscular appearance. The fat that cannot be stored in the limbs builds up around the face and neck, and inside the abdomen. Excess fat in these areas gives individuals an appearance described as "cushingoid," because it resembles the physical features associated with a hormonal disorder called Cushing disease. This abnormal fat distribution can begin anytime from childhood to adulthood.

MedlinePlus Genetics

  • Mode of Inheritance

  • Autosomal recessive inheritance


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