Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis

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Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis (ECCL) is a neurocutaneous disorder characterized by ocular anomalies, skin lesions, and central nervous system (CNS) anomalies (Moog et al., 2007). The malformations in ECCL are patchy and asymmetric. The most characteristic skin anomaly is nevus psiloliparus, a well-demarcated, alopecic fatty tissue nevus on the scalp, seen in 80% of affected individuals. Other dermatologic features include frontotemporal or zygomatic subcutaneous fatty lipomas, nonscarring alopecia, focal dermal hypoplasia or aplasia of the scalp, periocular skin tags, and pigmentary abnormalities following the lines of Blaschko. Choristomas of the eye (epibulbar dermoids or lipodermoids) are also present in 80% of patients, and can be unilateral or bilateral. Characteristic CNS features in ECCL include intracranial and intraspinal lipomas, seen in 61% of patients, and less often cerebral asymmetry, arachnoid cysts, enlarged ventricles, and leptomeningeal angiomatosis. A predisposition to low-grade gliomas has also been observed. Seizures and intellectual disability are common, but one-third of affected individuals have normal intellect. Skeletal manifestations include bone cysts and jaw tumors, such as odontomas, osteomas, and ossifying fibromas (summary by Bennett et al., 2016).


  • Mode of Inheritance

  • Sporadic
  • Somatic mosaicism


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